Product Description
HeatSinkTM dryers consume only the electrical energy needed to meet actual air treatment demand:
1. Hot, moisture-laden air from the air compressor passes through a prefi lter then fl ows into the dryer, entering the Precooler Section of the MULTI-LAYER HEAT EXCHANGER where it is cooled by dry outgoing air.
2. The air temperature is further reduced in the Chiller/Evaporator Section to a degree at which moisture in the air condenses to form droplets.
3. The cold air then fl ows through the Separator Section where water droplets and contaminants are separated from it and collected.
4. The air, now dry, passes through the Reheater Section where hot incoming air raises the outgoing air temperature to prevent pipe sweating after the air fl ows out of the dryer to downstream processes.
5. Water and contaminants that accumulate in the Separator Section are automatically discharged from the dryer through the CONDENSATE DRAIN.
A: The DIGITAL CONTROLLER coordinates and displays dryer operation and status as well as alarm/fault conditions and provides access to the CONDENSATE DRAIN functions.
B: The THERMAL STORAGE & CIRCULATION SYSTEM stores cool energy in the thermal mass fl uid to maximize thermal effi ciency.
C: The REFRIGERATION SYSTEM operates only as needed to meet demand.